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  Web Audio
In these changing times the internet is the biggest tool we have and the most popular one too for all age groups. There was a time when we had to buy ferrous and metal cassettes to listen to music. Then came the big change of Compact CD’s and changed everyone’s life who was fond of music to a much higher level of quality and more storage of songs. Then of course the DVD‘s and so on.

Now with the internet we can have music on demand and there is no need to go to any place or shop to purchase music. We do not need any more FM radios to listen to them as we can listen to them online. Navtej Singh Electronics LLC along with its subsidiary 4N TeleSoft India in association with EBC Radio USA has launched its online radio EBC radio on the internet live. Visit http://www.ebcmyspice.com/Radio/WebPages/RadioHome.aspx to listen to it. The feed is streamed on a real time basis and the feed that is coming to your living room, car etc is the dame feed coming to you online.

Navtej Singh Electronics LLC has an expert team and talent pool in its India development center and can offer you the best online audio solutions with cost effectiveness.

For more information or quotes please send an email to [email protected]

  Range of Products
1. Messaging 7. Voice
2. Multimedia 8. Roaming
3. Web Audio 9. Data
4. Convergence 10. Web Video
5. SIM Cards 11. Security
6. 3G 12. Intelligent Network
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