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  Intelligent Network

Infinet™ is an Intelligent Network (IN) based Centralized Convergent Billing Solution offering a complete Billing and Roaming Platform offered by Navtej Singh Electronics LLC.

The Intellegence in Intellegent Network. Versitile, Convergent and Supplimentel Infinet.

INfinet™ has all the latest IN features, Real time billing, Service level Rating definition, real-time SMS rating, real time credit control, Global Roaming, Supports SIGTRAN (M3UA) and a full fledged distribution ERP and can take care of all Billing and Roaming related requirements of any CDMA /GSM service provider.

The Infinet has all the features in the world that is required in an IN platform. Please send us a mail on [email protected]  for the latest additions in the feature list.

  Range of Products
1. Messaging 7. Voice
2. Multimedia 8. Roaming
3. Web Audio 9. Data
4. Convergence 10. Web Video
5. SIM Cards 11. Security
6. 3G 12. Intelligent Network
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